Career Gaps and Short-term roles – Crafting your story

Free Webinar 27.09.23 – 17:00(Berlin time zone)

We all worry about it – taking time in your life for other things, trying out avenues, or simply covering up a career move you noticed didn’t work out. How do we sell this best to future employers?

Enhanced Perspective on yourself
Gain a positive and empowered outlook on career gaps and short-term roles, seeing them as growth opportunities. We will find the competences you gained from your gaps together.

Strategic Narratives:
Learn practical techniques to craft compelling narratives and positively present gaps and short-term roles on your CV/LinkedIn. I will provide examples of how I changed the narrative of profiles.

Interview Confidence:
Confidently and clearly share your career stories, addressing gaps and short roles positively in interviews. We will have a short partner exchange in the webinar to see if and how a change of story would feel right.

And as usual a Q&A and sharing round for everything you need to know to reframe your gaps & sort term roles.
Save the date, prepare to impress, and let’s get you the job you deserve.

🪄 Unlocking Your Career’s Hidden Potentials: Embracing Magic in Short-Term Roles & Career Gaps 🪄


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successfull clients


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